Stockist and Events

Pop up /open studio:
This exhibition showcasing all my works, progression through my arts residency at Mnt Coot-Tha botanical gardens (2020 -2022) and my creative process as i dance between making jewellery, still life painting and (in times of  covid lock down) abstraction or landscape paintings. This exhibition will allow me to see all the works together, if they work well and bounce off each other or if some are stronger than others in a gallery setting. I hope that being in a fixed location in the gardens for the week and having a larger space to work from that i will also be able to expand to larger planned painting works.
I will be on hand daily to discuss my creative process, my inspiration and progression.

All works on display will be for sale.

Randell studio gallery
Mnt Coot-Tha Botanical gardens
13th to 19th September
10am to 4pm
late night trade: Thursday 16th 
10am  to 8pm 


Petals to paint sketch club:

A Pop in casual sketching club to grow your creative practice and connect to others. Come join me to improve your skills whilst learning to observe and connect to nature. all skill levels welcome. 

Every Monday in September, October, November

Cost $15

Time:10 to 12/ 12:30

Meet: Mnt Coot-Tha botanical gardens, Brisbane, Australia at the coffee shop for a quick sketch warm up before heading into the gardens.

For my Free Monthly workshops with the Mnt Coot -Tha botanical gardens head to the link below to book your place. spaces are limited.

Artist-in-residence program at Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha | Brisbane City Council



A time for change:

I have removed all my works from retail shops and will continue to work on small collections for exhibitions, art and design based retail outlets with limited addition pieces and events.

Please go to my social pages for more info,

or to contact me for an event.

Follow me on:

